Friday, April 22, 2011

ONE Week From Today!!!!

Be still my heart. Seriously - you know what one week from today is I am sure. The Royal Wedding!!! Words really cannot express how excited I am about it. I think to some it may seem silly but I assure you - it is not!

When you are little - you make believe all kinds of scenarios and play them out. Cops and robbers. House. Teacher. Church. I was always Princess Diana. If there was one celebrity that captured my heart and attention from a very young age - it was her! From childhood - I had a huge picture book of her that I would peel through for hours. Seriously. And the funny thing is that my mom never pushed me in that direction - it was totally a natural connection that I pursued entirely.

Don't get me wrong. I know that she was not a perfect person and beneath her physical beauty was a fairly troubled woman. But still - I think that she played a part in the world that we as humanity were created to need. Woman. Femininity. Strength. Love. Grace.

Okay - not to get too theologically sticky here...but I believe that both man AND woman are made in the image of God. We each display attributes of God and both genders reflect Him. To me - there is something so deeply satisfying about encountering a woman full of yes physical beauty, but a deep groundedness beneath that beauty. To me - Diana was just that. She walked out a beauty that encompasses grace, a loving heart, and last but certainly not least - strength! For me personally, she is still a role model. Of course not in all of her life decisions - but in certain aspects of her femininity I find inspiration.

I think there's a reason that fairy tales still sell. There is a reason that little girls still twirl. There is a reason why baby girls are often referred to as princesses - even before they are born.

As daughters of the ultimate King - we are royal princesses and it really is a part of our DNA. Sorry if this is too sappy but it is something that I really do believe! :)

So one week from today - I will be awake with my mom at an insanely early morning hour to watch another girl (somewhat) like you and like me become a royal princess. We will probably drink hot chocolate, also coffee, and maybe I'll make pancakes. Yes - I have already arranged to have the day off of work so that Liam and I can sleep during the afternoon to pay for the drastic lack of sleep the night before! And, I most certainly DO plan to do a blog post recapping my experience watching and what stirred my heart. :)

If you have to work - I believe there will be online streaming of the event live! Pinkies up now and here's to Wills and Kate! I just can't wait.

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